Health and Wellbeing Board
18th May 2022 |
Report of the Consultant in Public Health, Vale of York CCG and City of York Council |
Update on the Integrated Care System
1. This report updates board members on the national reforms to the NHS, health and care, and developments locally to plan for the changes which are due to come into force in July 2022.
5. It also updates board members on the progress of establishing a place-based partnership (‘The York Health and Care Alliance’) as a joint committee of the Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board together with presenting minutes of recent Alliance meetings for the Board to note.
Health and Wellbeing Board is asked
Note and comment on the
developments, including the proposed structure and arrangements for
the NHS and care within our region from next financial
b) Note the minutes of recent York Health and Care Alliance meetings
Update on current plans and governance of Integrated Care Systems
6. The NHS White Paper ‘Integration and Innovation’ was published in February 2021; this led to the Health and Care Bill, published July 2021 which set out key legislative proposals for the NHS reforms, and was passed as an act of Parliament on the 28th April 2022. In summary, it will lead to Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) being established on a statutory footing and taking on the statutory and allocative duties of Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) in July 2022; from this point NHS Vale of York Clinical Commissioning Group will cease to exist.
7. Humber Coast and Vale Partnership has operated as a non-statutory organisation for several years now, and in 2020 was designated an Integrated Care System (ICS). Once it is formally established in July 2022, it will be known as Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership, with the two governance arms of the ICS being known as ‘Humber and North Yorkshire NHS Integrated Care Board’ and ‘Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership’.
8. Plans for Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership have been emerging over the last nine months, and have been summarised in previous updates to the Health and Wellbeing Board, including implications for the Board itself.
9. Since the March 2022 update, the following developments should be noted:
· The Health and Care Bill gaining Royal Assent on the 28th April 2022 and therefore becoming an Act of Parliament. A useful summary of some of the late changes to the Bill, which include a rejection of plans to publish NHS workforce targets and an amendment of proposals around NHS reorganisation powers, can be found on the Kings Fund website:
· The Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board has met for the first time in shadow form, and intends to publish its constitution on the 20th May 2022 and the schedule of delegated functions (to, for instance place-based boards) on the 27th May 2022
· The Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Partnership membership and approach is developing, and we have been told that the Core membership will include six Place Lead Chief Executives, six Place Elected Members - in most cases, drawn from Health and Wellbeing Boards (for Place to determine), six NHS Place Directors plus the independent joint Chair of the ICP and ICB, the ICP Vice chair, the ICB Chief Executive and the ICB Chief Operating Officer. There will then be a wider ‘partnership community’ including, for example, Public health, Mental Health, Learning Disabilities and Autism, the VCSE, Community and Social Enterprise, Healthwatch, Members of the public, and other key partners.
· An emerging clinical model is being developed which will see each place-based committee having access to a clinical and a nursing/quality lead
· Appointments of NHS place Directors have been made in North Yorkshire, North East Lincolnshire and North Lincolnshire, but at the time of writing are still to be made in Hull, East Riding and York.
· It has been agreed locally by partners in York that the Place-based partnership lead (which needs to be a chief officer of a statutory organisation) and chair of the York Health and Care Alliance will be the Chief Operating Officer of City of York Council.
10. The York Health and Care Alliance (our place-based partnership) held meetings on the 28th February, the 29th of March and the 28th of April, and minutes of the first two meetings are included as annexes to this report (with the April meeting minutes to follow in future updates once approved by the Board).
11. This paper sets out an update on the progress of national and local reforms, and summarises a policy position taken by partners in York. Therefore most consultation has taken place within health partners in York, including with elected members. Currently, a broad public and third sector consultation is taking place led by the Alliance as part of their Prospectus work, around the type of things which characterise good health and wellbeing in the city, under the banner ‘York’s Health and Care Big Question’. As the development of a York place-based partnership proceeds, it is anticipated that much more public involvement, consultation and indeed co-production where possible is incorporated into this work.
Contact Details
Chief Officer Responsible for the report:
Peter RoderickConsultant in Public HealthCity of York Council / Vale of York CCGTel No. 07549123357
Sharon StoltzDirector of Public Health
Report Approved |
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09.05.2022 |
Wards Affected: [List wards or tick box to indicate all] |
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For further information please contact the author of the report |
Background Papers:
Health and Act Bill 2022
Executive report March 2021
Annex A – York Health and Care Alliance Minutes: 28.02.2022
Annex B - York Health and Care Alliance Minutes: 29.03.2022
List of Abbreviations Used in this Report
ICS – Integrated Care System
CCG – Clinical Commissioning Group
HWBB – Health and Wellbeing Board
ICB – Integrated Care Board
ICP – Integrated Care Partnership